Events and Activities Details |
03-12-2022 Parent Teacher Meeting
Posted on 13/12/2022
A PTM meeting was held on 03/12/2022. The information for PTM was shared with parents through their wards on Mentor-Mentee whatsapp groups as well as in local newspaper.
The main purpose of meet was to create a common platform, where teacher and parents come together to enrich the student’s educational experiences and discuss variety of issues, regarding all round development of students. Three different venues Computer Lab 26, Commerce Block, and Seminar Hall were fixed for science, commerce and humanities respectively. Around 20 parents visited the college and respective teachers informed academic them about the performance of the students like class attendance, marks in class tests, internal marks and overall discipline in the campus. Attendance registers were also get signed by the visited parents.
Also, Parents were invited to express their views about the college, their views regarding the development of their wards and to come up with suggestions.