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21 Oct 2024 Promoting Drug Awareness Poster and Slogan Competition at Narayangarh College

Posted on 22/10/2024

A postermaking and sloganwriting competition was organized at Government Postgraduate College Narayangarh under the guidance of Principal Dr. Ajit Singh and the leadership of Acting Principal Joga Singh as part of awareness activities against drug abuse. Numerous students participated enthusiastically creating posters and slogans to raise awareness about the dangers of addiction. The top three winners were awarded certificates by the principal in recognition of their efforts. Acting Principal Joga Singh encouraged the participants and urged all students to remain vigilant about the harmful effects of drug abuse on human life. He emphasized the importance of staying aware and making healthy choices. The competition aimed to foster creativity among students while educating them about the serious consequences of drug use. Through their posters and slogans students conveyed strong messages about the value of a drugfree life. Faculty members including Prof. Sanjeev Aggarwal Prof. Swarnjit Singh Prof. Jagdeep Singh Prof. Nisha Prof. Mukesh Kumar Prof. Rahul Kumar Prof. Parveen Kumar and Prof. Baldev Singh contributed to the events success. The college remains committed to promoting similar initiatives for a healthier drugfree society.