Events and Activities Details |
01-07-2024 Staff Meeting regarding Academic and Administrative Guidelines
Posted on 14/07/2024
A meeting of the all the staff members was conducted on the very first day of Academic Session 2024-2025 i.e. 01.07.2024 in the Seminar Hall at 10:00 AM. The meeting was convened by Principal, Dr. Ajit Singh. The following points were discussed with the staff members in the meeting:-
• As the centralised admission process has been started by the Department of Higher Education thus the status of the same was discussed with the staff members.
o The Principal directed the staff members to display the detailed list of required documents that are supposed to be submitted by the student at the time of verification at all the central spots of the college like Entry Gate, Admission rooms for different streams, at the help desk etc.
o Before allotting the minor subject, the major subjects of the students choice must be kept in mind (Seat fixation for the subjects to be done at the college level, to be decided in council meeting).
o The allotted seats will be reviewed from time to time according to the needs of the students.
• All the staff members to maintain punctuality & discipline. The staff will be informed regarding the timings of the college hours to be maintained during the admissions, so that no student is left unattended.
• Cleanliness of college premises must be taken care of by the respective in charges.
• All the departments should submit the proposal for conducting seminar/conferences to the IQAC committee by 2nd July, 2024. The topics for conducting seminars/ conferences should be relevant and fruitful.
• The IQAC committee of the college should be strengthened.
• All the teachers should maintain their achievements record in the Table I Performa which was provided by the Directorate of Higher Education in the guidelines issued on 11/11/2022.
o Table I of CAS promotion is of great importance and should be followed religiously. A timely record of the achievements of all the academic staff should be maintained by the IQAC committee.
o Every teacher should submit the Table I Performa after completion of each academic session within the one month succeeding the academic session. The record thus can be maintained by the staff themselves with the signed copy that they will receive on the submission of such achievements which will later help them at the time of CAS promotions.
• Biometric attendance for all the staff members is mandatory. Office staff should ensure that biometric machines are always in working condition.
• Casual Leave should be sanctioned before availing the leave, unless there is an emergency. Station leave should also be got sanctioned well in time.
• Admission committee should be present throughout the admission process at their respective Venues.
• Important Day celebrations committee to identify various important days that are required to be made aware among students, and organise the celebration well in time. A minimum of 8 to 10 celebrations must be organized in one session as per the academic schedule provided by the KUK. Activity registers to be maintained properly for the same.