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13-07-2023 Capacity Building Program on NEP-2020
Posted on 05/08/2023
A capacity-building program for all the staff members was organised on 13.07.2023 in the Seminar Hall at 11:00 AM. The program was headed by Principal Ma’am, the agenda of the program was to make the staff familiar with the New Education Policy and its implementation in the admission process of 2023-2024.
• The program was held in two sessions.
• First session was conducted by Dr. Rajiv, where he thoroughly explained the NEP and how it would be implemented in the succeeding admissions of undergraduate first year classes for the session 2023-2024.
o Dr. Rajiv explained, the complete schemes and course work pattern under various schemes as per the NEP for all the semesters with credit weights assigned to them.
o He made the staff aware about the vocational courses, multi-disciplinary courses, ability enhancement courses, value added courses, etc. that are covered under the NEP.
• Second session was held by Mr. Shubham, where he thoroughly discussed the evaluation and examination part of the NEP.
o He explained about the Internal and External course credit criteria that the staff needs to follow while evaluating the students.
o He also made the staff aware about the concept of SGPA, CGPA, Academic Bank of Credits (ABC), passing percentage, eligibility criteria etc.
• The capacity-building program was summed up by Hon’ble Principal where she conveyed and encouraged all the staff members to upgrade themselves for the future and convert threats into opportunities.
o The staff who might suffer the loss of workload in the coming years should go through the entire coursework of the NEP and make efforts out of their ability in capacity to take up subjects under AEC, VEC, etc. schemes of coursework under NEP, which might help them to sustain in the dynamic environment for coming years.
o Such staff members can come up with proposals beforehand, related to the syllabus for such course schemes so that the proceedings regarding approval can be managed on time i.e. before the commencement of the preceding semester.
The program ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.